Another birthday boy!

Monday again, and I have all the possibilities. Well, at least I like to think that way.

This weekend has been filled with sinterklaas celebration and candy eating :) Yum!

Marc had a party here for his friends on friday, so we went to town, and I took a lot of pictures.
Haha, one funny thing happend on friday night.
I was wearing my 14 cm high heels, and around 03.00 it felt like my feet would pop off, so me and Marc went home while 3 guys who were suppose so sleep here stayed a little bit longer.

We went to bed around 04.00 after eating and so on, and in the morning we woke up, but no one is there.
We said to the guys to ring our doorbell but we never woke up to a doorbell and it was no one sleeping on the sofa. Haha
Then Marc cheked his phone and had 9 MISSED CALLS. Mohahha
So we called one of the guys who told us that they had been ringing that doorbell like 50 times, and they threw snowballs at our windows and, obviosly, called us a lot of times.
At last the neighbors woke up and called the police so the guys had to crash at antoher friends place! Mohahahaha

The story of the year, I think.
We must have been in some kind of coma!!
Hahaha, poor guys ! ^^,

Today is a birthday party again, and I think I wont go too crazy. It is, after all, monday so..:P

Here are the pics from friday!


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