
Busy day today! But enough about that ;-)

I go crazy here....
Running back and forth to my roomates asking them to help me with my hair!
I gave up!

Why is my hair not perfect, shiny, straight and the perfect color?
I see tons, and tons of girls with my dreamhair. Do they think they have perfect hair? Or do they sit at home, in front of their computer writing a blog post of how much they dislike their hair??
In that case...YOU'RE NOT ALONE!!! :|

Gotta find a good haridresser this weekend! And buy a bike! That's highest on my to-do-list this week.

Oh yeah, had a company presentation today at Iggesund (paperboard company).
Their presentation was about marketing and their new marketing strategy, very interesting tbh. :)

This is what they make (in short):
Boxes to perfumes, cosmetica, cigarettes etc.


And this is what I got:



Which eventually is going to turn out to be:

(without grapes innit)


Someone good in putting together boxes? Anyone, boxes, no?

Wish me luck!

What I want!

Hellu again!

This post is dedicated to a collage of things I want at the moment! I mean, a happy long life, loads of money and someone to hug those cold autumn nights are excluded!
Only material things today!

Cause you know that we are living in a material world....(God I hate Madonna!)


nailpolish: chanel
mascara: chanel
shoes: jeffrey campbell
food: smörgåstårta
clutch: hm
phone: samsung galaxy ace
hair oil: macadamia

4th year Anniversary!

This year, my dear friends, I will celebrate the 4th year of not have been on a vacation!!
Congratz to me!

I wanna go somewhere nice and warm, not walk around for 9 hours in a big city, where all the shops are the same as home, not sit at a beach in a country where people even speak your own language thanks to all the tourists.
I don't wanna swim in a chlamydia pool full of drunk motherfuckers or live in a tent on a boring campingsite where you have to be quiet at 21.00!

I am picky!

I wanna go somewhere where I can enjoy a lot of things at the same time.
BUt most of all I wanna go to the carribean and live as a pirate on a boat for a couple of weeks, and then end it all in my forever paradise, JAMAICA! :D

And after three weeks I wanna sing my throat soar: Niet noar huus toe goan! ;)

Huppa, give me holiday now! I am tired of wind and rain...


I am ready for pirating! Hey ho cap'n Jack Karin

Finally weekend! Or?

Sooo...the day I've been longing for since monday morning is finally here.
But I have no plans, and everyone is gone so...what to do? :P

I have one plan today; clean my room! And then...?

Well clean my room is needed because we have a cat in the house that sneeks in to my room at night or in the morning and try to eat everything I have in here!
He goes trough my trash bin, my bread EVERYTHING! :P

Haha, sigh!

Time for breakfast and then...well...

Over and out! :P

It is time...

It is time for ; a new blog post!

It is also time for going to bed and read some more roadsigns and traffic rules ;)

Have to nail it this time! (Why is it so hard to nail an exam but easier to nail......wooden boards?) hehe

Move in to my new room yesterday, and it went suprisingly fast! Forgot the most important thing though in my old room; the COMPUTER CABLE!!
How am I suppose to live without a computer? :|

Got two nice phone calls today on my way from work.
One from Paris and one from Australia :D
Made my day!!!

This weekend it is time for Hökersweekend in Zelhem (farmer paradise) and finally throw some beer listening to Normaal! :) Can't wait!
Yes I know, all dutchies thing I am some kind of white trash farmer, but I am from the farmer areas so, what the hell?! ;)

Did some drooling this week over shoes and clothes on my favorite online shops!! Do want it all...

Gonna put up my absolute wanties later this week!

Time for some reading, bai bai!

Moving again!

Time to move again!
Today I scheduled the whole day for packing boxes and clean up my room for tomorrow, when I move!

But do I do so? NOOO, instead I write a blog post because I am so incapable to do what I have to do.

Probebly around 20.00-21.00 I will start panicking that nothing has been done yet, and I need to do this and that and this and that! :S

Thank God that I don't have so many stuff to take with me :P
Mostly clothes, and now the time has come to sort some things out!
Found a whole box of clothes in my room just now, which I once sorted out and wanted to get rid of, but back then I thought "njaa, let's do it some other time"

5 months later, it's an other time!

That's all I want to say for now, going to put on some Van Dik Hout and get to work! ;)

Bai bai

Previous when I have sorted out clothes! Tiring!!



Waiting and waiting...

Soon off to work, just need to update you on that pictures from the past week/s will come up very very soon!

I just have to wait for the fashion week pictures to be sent to me, and the Zwarte Cross (very few, only had my cellphone) photos I have to figure out how to get them on my computer, cause I don't have bluetooth >.< Sigh!

Okay,I know that nöhlen is dodelijk (complaining is fathal) but I just have to say; THIS HAS BEEN THE WORST SUMMER (weather-wise) EVER!! :(
But to make it a little bit more positive is that I don't have any holiday so whatever.
Just hope that the weekends will be nice and I am fine :)


New routines...?

What am I doing awake now? Probebly because I never went to bed last night??
But yes I did!

Just couldn't sleep anymore, which is insane for being me! Normally I sleep 13 hours and do not wake up until like 14.00 or so. Summer holidays oh yeah!!
But today is a busy day, so I thought why not (for once) meet the morning? Or at least what everyone else calls "the morning''!

This week is a busy week: Get a job today, Amsterdam in the afternoon, tomorrow Oldenzaal and HARRY POTTER, thursday and friday prepare for saturday and ZWARTE CROSS!! :D

So, let's take it slow.
Today Amsterdam and FASHION WEEK, and you have no idea how disapointed I am for not having a camera. :(
Have to use my cellphone so thank god it has a relativly good camera on it!!

I don't know how many years I've wanted to see and join fashion week, and this year it is finally happening :D
Models, clothes, designers, champange, run-ways, bitches, bags and inspiration!! Hell yeah!!

Just that I am a little bit panicking what to wear! (As usual) :|

For Zwarte Cross on the other hand, I do know what to wear! It's either NOTHING or something that I will never ever wear again!
It's going to be music, farmers, mudd, beers, motorbikes and a little bit more mudd!! A place for me in other words ;)

Some inspiration:

This summer...

Okay, we're already in July and things starts to get stressful again!
Job? Intersnhip? New room? Which city? Holiday? Gaaah, I go crazy!

Something that made me happy though, a couple of days ago, when I clicked around on some websites was that I found the new guest designer for H&M.

Could it be better than VERSACE? I don't think so!!

I hope to see Versace-inspared bags, clutches, shoes, accessories and a lot of colorful dresses. Woho!
Now I have made a little tradition with myself, to always buy a designer clothing, and as soon as I have a camera again, I will put up some pictures from my tiny tiny collection. (Which I intend to extend) :D Wordplay...

So, enjoy and get inspired!!

We'll see how long it last this time...

Okay, it is 15.00, school is over, exams are passed (WOHO) and I just gave a hard bitch slap to the fat lady!!
Screw you fat lady, no singing on my party!!

It is also very very nice weather outside, but do I go out and enjoy it? No no, instead I sit inside in front of my computer and pretend like it is raining. (Swedish saying)

Got a small shock a few minutes ago, when I saw my phonebill for June. Christ! Normally I have a quite constant amount, not too much, every month. But this month is was more than double that amount!!! :O

Jeez Louise.

I still have a few pictures to put up, haha. From random occasions, and I guess after both tomorrow and wednesday it will be even more :)

So, enjoy! ;)

You have to die a few times before you can live....

Wooow, long time no writing!!

Well, I have pretty damn good reason actually.

Last week was crazy (or it is sunday so it still counts as this week). Came home from Sweden exactly one week ago and on monday the rush started :D

Tuesday I celebrated mine and Eelkes birthday, which was crazy!! Had so much fun.
Had my actual b-day on wednesday but I dedicated that day to study, study and little bit more study. (Y) Kudos to me!!

But, we took a lot of pics, and I will put the ok ones up! :)


Boat gala!

Birthday party :D

Sven's last party!




You're right!

Oh Hi!

Yes, Eelke, you're right, I am posting here when I am bored and got nothing to do :P

Today I've actually been away celebrating a birthday in the lovely weather :)
Got to clean the car and the motorbike, and at the same time I tried once again to expose my skin to the sun, so this time I went totally chicky and made my own car/motorbike bikini-wash! :)
Hehe, no pictures though, because I still GOT NO CAMERA!
(Psst, that'll be something for a housewarming gift) Hehehe....;)

Oh yeah, talking about a housewarming, I need to have one now, when I am all settled and before I move out again! :)

Now, I am going to keep on watching Friends and then go to bed.
My goal is to finsih all seasons, and right now I am season one episode 19! Hell yeah!!

Good night.

Hottest in Europe!

Netherlands is still the hottest country in Europe at the moment, and today I really enjoyed it.
I even went to the park, in a bikini to try to get some color finally.

But I don't think so much happened though, :(.

So, what's up peeps? Everyone eating eggs and easter bunny or is it party tonight?? :D Hahaha

Still no plans for this weekend except tomorrow, birthday lunch (?) or something like it!
Cleaned my room now, only thing I need to do is take away all the dust but not right now! ;)

Have some pictures from our trip to Oldenzaal thursday, so here we go.
Short post, but I am short so it is okay.

We gonna rough it up before we take it slow!

Friday again!
A wuhu...

No plans this weekend at all! Just chilling, and hope for great weather :)

Oh yeah, it is easter now, so everyone is going to celebrate this with their families, but my family is a little bit too far away for a weekend trip ;) Ah well, a little bit less than two weeks and one of them is here at least ;)

Yesterday was nice, I like!
Me, Eelke and Merel went on a spontanous trip to Oldenzaal. A wuhu...
We made our own cocktail (which has a too geeky name to be named here) and watched a scary movie, which wasn't scary at all.

After that we had fun in "town", with sure matjes (or how you spell it) and a lot of Steffe!! ;)
We also climed some monuments and crawled around in sand, don't ask why!

But now I will stop writing and try to find something to do, until it is time for me to (maybe) go to my number-one favorite city at the moment! ;) Hehehe...
Perfect weather for a motorbike ride, so that will be my friday again!


Pictures from the CEO's and Hoe's party!

Little girls from Sweden Dream of silver screen quotations

Great party last night!!

(Wow what an opening)

Today I actually have some pictures to put up, because I finally figured out how dropbox works! Kudos to me.
Yesterday was the party for CEO's and Hoes.
And of course the gang were there to get the party started, full of whisky and wine.

The night started, as usual, at the shotjes bar, with some bananawodka, yum.
After that we went to the party and then....I lost everyone!
"No, I don't take my phone tonight, I won't loose you" Hahahaa...:)
Went to every freaking bar I thought that they could possibly be, but they were nowhere to be found.
So, I hooked up with some randoms I meet and drunk a little bit more than I expected.

But, at the end I found them of course, and it turns out that they have been at a bar with ONLY cute guys!!
And I missed it!! Crap....

Sorry for this very stupid post, but I can honestly say I feel quite...tired :P
We didn't end the evening how we wanted it, and I guess that's why I feel hangover ;)

Now, it is time to get ready and take a ride with the motorbike! Hell yeah...


Pictures from last thursday

Every monday!

So, just got home from a quite long day in school.
And this will be my mondays from now on.
Every freaking monday in school until 17.30.
Yay! (Now kids, that was meant to be ironical)

Plans for tonight?
School stuff! Already first day in school we (read I) have loads to do! Great.
Well at least I can get my days going until....yeah. What I am waiting for?
May break maybe, because then my dear sistah is coming here for her first visit in two years!! Nice.  :)

Other things this week then?
I am free tomorrow and on friday, so thursday you already know what I am doing.
Tomorrow school work, and for the rest just chillin. :) life is good.
Oh yeah, also waiting for my grades to pop up!
Almost died today (but no worries, I am dying in the summer according to the cards) when I spoke to the teacher who are correcting the exams.
I thought he gave me the "I am sorry but you didn't pass" look.
But, he still haven't corrected them, so I still have hope!!

This was all for me, now time for some Randy and X-ray eyes! Good stuff!!


Oh yeah, I did a boob-job this weekend! You like?? ;)

What is the dillio?

What is the dillio?

Why does everyone go home in the weekend? (Shall I also do that?)
Why do I have to wait so long for getting some stupid grades? (Or actually, my life depends on them, so to speak)
Why wasn't I born 20 years earlier? (Crap)
Why isn't it sun the whole day on my balcony? (Stupid trees)
Why do I want what I can't get, and rejects the available? (Everyone have this, right?)
Why I am addicted to Smints? (Stupid person leaving them all eat-able for me)
Why do I sneeze like a 100 times when I eat Smints? (I like it though, the brain can see no difference between an orgasm and a sneeze)
All of a sudden I see why I am addicted so Smints!

Last but not least;
Why the fuck I am sitting inside, writing a blog post, when it is so nice outside?
So, folks, I'm heading outside. I got my attention of today and now it is time for me and my diet coke to enjoy the sun!

Puss Puss ;)

Horny birds!

I just woke up!
And I am shocked!
How could I sleep to fucking long, when I went home so early yesterday?? I wasn't even drunk...:O
Ah well, solving mysteries is not my thing.
Just finished my breakfast and now it is time to go out in the sun :)
Or clean my room?
Sun is more tempting, to be honest!

Still no grades up for me, so I am till wandering around biting my nails and praying every night to "someone up there" to give me this chance! (I go crazy)

Yesterday we were in the park the whole day enjoying the sun, and later on that night we went out for a couple of drinks.
I have been boozing everyday this week so I guess the tradition will follow even tonight.
Because on monday it is back to school again and then I have to shape up at least 3 days in a week! Pfff ;) Hehehe...

Other things that happened this weekend is that I fell in love.
In a 30 years older guy and it hurts! :(
Take me back (?) to 1981 stupid world! ;) Hahahaha



Yesterday night was so wild and crazy!
It even started wild and crazy, at the shotjes bar, where seven people gave rounds so if you weren't drunk when you left that place you'll never be drunk!

And finally I am able to take shots again without wanting to throw them up!

After the shotjes bar, we went to Plaza, which was empty so we rocked the place.
Jump around, jump around, jump around...
The best thing with plaza is their prices I think! (Or maybe I made a mistake)
Cheap like hell, and nice shots! (Y) Hehe...could have been wilder music though, but whatevs.

The night also ended fucking wild and crazy too.
Me, Sanne and Merel sitting in front of her door and I thought I was whispering but I was actually screaming when I was talking, very wierd.
A little bit later a woman came out and told us to shut the fuck up! "Who's that tropical bird?" :D
Awesome night! :)

Now it is time for me to buy myself some food at the supermarket for the first time in one and a half week.
Cheers to that!

Hopefully I will get access to the pictures that was taken yesterday, and then I'll give you something to enjoy.
But for now, pictures from monday night!


That was that!

Waiting is everything but fun!

And it is done.

My last exam for this exam period was done yesterday 15.33!
And I am happy again!
This exam period has been the worst period ever. So much stress, and so much studying that I wanted to kill myself, both once and twice.
And if it does not pay off I'm definetly going to kill myself ;)
All I have to do now is wait, wait, wait and wait for the results to come up. And I am going crazy here!!

Something totally awesome happened yesterday, and it was one of the happier days this year!!!
I just hope that it will be at least two other happy moments like that again ;) Hehehe...

Today is is party time (finally) and the weather is nice, my wallet is back and I am on top!
This is going to be awesome!

Now, time to clean my room and get ready for school!
Then, my dear friends...see you, wherever I might be that day!


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