Damn it!

Jeez Louize, I slept too long.

Yesterday I was sooo tired after Sven's birthday party, so I decided not to go to the first class today and sleep loooong.
Which ended up with that I slept too long.
I fell asleep at 22.00 and woke up 12,5 hours later. And now I look like a zombie!! >.<

So, I apologize for my lack of things to write about, so I guess I'll only put up pictures from the part-a, and yeah..try to get awake!

Btw! I saw one thing looking at all these pictures and that is: I AM SO FUCKING PALE!! This weekend I'm going to the taning thingy (zonnen bank) to get some fake colour on my white little body. Gosh, I look like a ghost AND a zombie!!


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