It's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain..

Monday again.
New week, new tasks, and one week closer to christmas :D
Who else is longing???

This weekend I have looked into where I am going next year to study abroad.
I've been a little bit twisted where I want to go. And which univeristy offer the best courses...
I decided already when I started at the HAN that I wanted to go to France (Sacre bleu!), but where?!

I think now that I have decided, and next week all the second year students have to hand in their application letter.
Jeez Louize, how fast the time is running by me.

Yesterday me and Marc went for a trip to Amsterdam, and I did some shopping :)
Isn't it just great when you go to a new place, where you can shop in stores they don't have at home!!
I love it!!!

Here is yesterday's outfits:

(yeah OUTFITS, with a s in the end, beacuse at first I couldn't decide what I wanted to wear. But it ended up with the second outfit anyway)

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