You get a shiver in the dark...

No, I did not get a fucking higher grade than you!
No, I cannot play an instrument!
No, I can't speak three languages fluently!
No, my english grammar is not perfect!

Yes, I drink a lot of alchol, and NO I don't wanna stop smoking!!
No, I am not a size zero (I am a size hero)
No, I am not a rich bitch, just a bitch!
No, I do not understand German (and why the fuck would I want to do it??)
No, I don't wanna stop saying FUCK after every word!!

Okey, I can go on for ever almost, but face it...I am not perfect. Actually I am far from perfect. (But I do got a nice ass)
Some one told us that it is good people and better people...and, I can with proud in my voice say that I AM BETTER!!
I'm not just good, I am BETTER!!

You don't believe me?

Can you do this??

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