Bye bye september!

The last day of september is here (my favorite month) but, I am pretty disappointed. It was not sunny and after-summer warm as it use to be.
It was rainy and cold >.<

A well, today's schedule:

12.00-14.00: Motorbike lesson.
After that: Some shopping, hehe :) Couldn't get enough in Milan ;)

Around 16.00: Gym!!

And that was that folks.

Have some pictures from yesterday, but I haven't uploaded them to the computer yet. So, that'll be later...

Anyway, here is some inspiration for this fall,


Jacket, with sheepskin!

Long skirts...


Leather pants, pants with name it!


Blouses, Short t-shirts, long knitted sweaters...

I don't know why, but I just LOVE these brown shoes!!


And, some accessories:



It's a sunny day, okey skip the ten degrees part, ;)

I don't have much to write/say, so Im just gonna put up the last pictures from Milan!

Todays schedule:

13.00- Meeting at school

After that- Gym!!

Tonight: Dinner with my wonderful BSP members. (And YES I'll bring the camera)


Milano part deux

Here comes some more pic's from me and Marcs weekend in Milano!!

"Just got home from Ilinois..."

Just got home from Milan! And it was fantastic, and nothing more than fantastic.
So much to see, so much to do and, yeah...where to start??
When we were there they had a "fashion week" in town, which could not have been more perfect ;)

Well, I just gonna put up the pictures we took, and stop trying to explain it in words!!
Btw, Italian pizza is just a little bit better than  "swedish" pizza, but just a bit ;)






Have many more pictures to put up, so keep updated! :)




What a night!

Yesterday was a peculiar night!
It started at Rose's with the girls and mojitos and after that we went (in the pouring rain) to the cavern.
And what happened at the cavern....NOTHING! The place was totally empty, and smelling really bad ;( So we left.

Still raining like hell, and we were running in our high heels, (or was it just me?) until we ended up at a coffee shop!
And after that I think I laughed all night long, couldn't stop it. I liked it! :)

We wanted to sit somewhere to have a drink (even though we were  giggling about everything).
After that wineglass we went back to the cavern and NOW it was so crowded in there that the bartender/owner didn't let anyone in :S And that happened in an hour or even less. Haha (still smelled funky though)
So, we took our bikes and went home. End of story!

Here are some pictures from yesterday, enjoy!






Killer thursday!

Today is it thursday, many people refer it to "thirsty-thursday" but I call it "killer-thursday". ;)
Why? Well, it may be the most geeky answer ever, so I keep it to myself ;)
End of story.

Again, as every morning, I'm sitting here with my green tea and reading my emails.
Around 11.00 I need to go to motorbike lesson, and after those two hours I'm off to the gym. :)
I think I have a second addiction: THE GYM! I feel restless if I haven't been there for a weekend and I even plan it in my agenda, hahaha.

Off topic.
Yesterday I took a quick ride in to town, wasn't looking for something special, but when I entered the V&D I saw something that I've been looking for.
A cape! Or poncho, but it isen't really a poncho because it is not one piece, if you know what I mean.

This is a poncho,
and a cape is not closed in the middle, or how I should explain it.


I saw one at a blog I'm reading, and she bought hers' at a swedish warehouse. DOH!

I even called my mom to ask if she could buy one for me, but she didn't pick up! Haha

Well, after looking around in my closet yesterday evening, guess what I found?? That's right a cape. Right color and everything. Guess if I was happy!! :D

This is how it looks (not the best pictures, but anyway)

Maybe it is a little bit too long, but WTF I saved 20 euros ;)



Why is it always a catfight going on outside our house?
They're yelling and screaming, gosh..
Of course I am talking about the neighbour's cats. :) We have, I think, 7 cats in this neighbourhood and they are always fighting with each other..c'mon! ;(
Hehe, sorry to disappoint you guys, I know you wanted to read about me being in a catfight with other chicas, but no. (Not yet!!)

But I can tell you this, I had it up to here (waving my hand next to my throat), with some bullshit-talking people.
But, what can I say: JEALOUSY!

Well, off topic. Here is some inspiration and, according to me, must-haves.


And here is some styles I created with the help of

Let's go international!

Ok, I've decided to go international folks. (Hm, we'll see how that will work).
My english grammar is NOT the best, but today I have some pictures to put up, so I'll stop talking (?) in a second ;)

Right now I'm sitting in front of the screen writing this f****** french, gaah! >.< (Why didn't I chose ducth??)
Just filled my belly with some greasy stuff, which I think I deserved after swetting like a pig at the gym this morning!

So, here are some pictures from yesterdays outfit, and my adorable, fashionable working-out outfit! Eh...?


Shoes: DinSko (Sweden)
Jeans: MQ (Sweden)
Sweater: H&M
Fake-leather jacket: H&M
Scarf: Gina Tricot (Sweden)

Well, right now my muscles are absent, but give it a few weeks. (Months!!!) ;)


Har ju ändå skrivit ett inlägg idag, så varför inte ett till?? :)

Tänkte lägga upp lite bilder i alla fall, så jag har ngt att göra innan jag tar tag i franskan ;)


Fredagens party outfit

Jag och Marc hade "50-tals söndag"


Varför är de så ointressant att sitta på en lektion i skolan, tidigt på morgonen?
Spelar ingen roll vilken lektion det än är, så hatar man den ändå, speciellt på måndag mornar.

Har tagit en del bilder nu också, som jag kommer att lägga upp, men jag tror jag väntar till efter helgen då de med stor säkerhet kommer tas massvis med bilder efter jag och Marc nämligen åker till Milano på fredag :)

Kan uppdatera lite vad som hänt då, istället!

Hm, skolan har dragit igång, och jag har en helvetes massa projekt. Inlämningar hit, och inlämningar dit. Jag tror vi har minst en inlämning per dag. Puh...

Sen har jag börjar " på riktigt" med motorcykel körkortet. Har en lektion i veckan, på två timmar, och förra torsdagen var jag för första gången ute och körde på vägen! Hur kul som helst! :D

Att jag har flyttat kanske jag har nämt? Iaf, så har jag flyttat och tagit en hel del bilder också, som kommer åka upp (kanske senare i veckan).

Men som jag nämnde, så är jag väääälidgt upptagen i skolan just nu och har faktiskt inte mycket tid över till annat ;(

Nej, nu ska jag ha PR så måste sluta!


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