Killer thursday!

Today is it thursday, many people refer it to "thirsty-thursday" but I call it "killer-thursday". ;)
Why? Well, it may be the most geeky answer ever, so I keep it to myself ;)
End of story.

Again, as every morning, I'm sitting here with my green tea and reading my emails.
Around 11.00 I need to go to motorbike lesson, and after those two hours I'm off to the gym. :)
I think I have a second addiction: THE GYM! I feel restless if I haven't been there for a weekend and I even plan it in my agenda, hahaha.

Off topic.
Yesterday I took a quick ride in to town, wasn't looking for something special, but when I entered the V&D I saw something that I've been looking for.
A cape! Or poncho, but it isen't really a poncho because it is not one piece, if you know what I mean.

This is a poncho,
and a cape is not closed in the middle, or how I should explain it.


I saw one at a blog I'm reading, and she bought hers' at a swedish warehouse. DOH!

I even called my mom to ask if she could buy one for me, but she didn't pick up! Haha

Well, after looking around in my closet yesterday evening, guess what I found?? That's right a cape. Right color and everything. Guess if I was happy!! :D

This is how it looks (not the best pictures, but anyway)

Maybe it is a little bit too long, but WTF I saved 20 euros ;)


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