Every monday!

So, just got home from a quite long day in school.
And this will be my mondays from now on.
Every freaking monday in school until 17.30.
Yay! (Now kids, that was meant to be ironical)

Plans for tonight?
School stuff! Already first day in school we (read I) have loads to do! Great.
Well at least I can get my days going until....yeah. What I am waiting for?
May break maybe, because then my dear sistah is coming here for her first visit in two years!! Nice.  :)

Other things this week then?
I am free tomorrow and on friday, so thursday you already know what I am doing.
Tomorrow school work, and for the rest just chillin. :) Hehehe...my life is good.
Oh yeah, also waiting for my grades to pop up!
Almost died today (but no worries, I am dying in the summer according to the cards) when I spoke to the teacher who are correcting the exams.
I thought he gave me the "I am sorry but you didn't pass" look.
But, he still haven't corrected them, so I still have hope!!

This was all for me, now time for some Randy and X-ray eyes! Good stuff!!


Oh yeah, I did a boob-job this weekend! You like?? ;)

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