We gonna rough it up before we take it slow!

Friday again!
A wuhu...

No plans this weekend at all! Just chilling, and hope for great weather :)

Oh yeah, it is easter now, so everyone is going to celebrate this with their families, but my family is a little bit too far away for a weekend trip ;) Ah well, a little bit less than two weeks and one of them is here at least ;)

Yesterday was nice, I like!
Me, Eelke and Merel went on a spontanous trip to Oldenzaal. A wuhu...
We made our own cocktail (which has a too geeky name to be named here) and watched a scary movie, which wasn't scary at all.

After that we had fun in "town", with sure matjes (or how you spell it) and a lot of Steffe!! ;)
We also climed some monuments and crawled around in sand, don't ask why!

But now I will stop writing and try to find something to do, until it is time for me to (maybe) go to my number-one favorite city at the moment! ;) Hehehe...
Perfect weather for a motorbike ride, so that will be my friday again!


Pictures from the CEO's and Hoe's party!

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