
Had a really exciting (or how you spell it) class today.
We learned how to write a blog. Period.
We even got homework....write a blog post about anything you want and don't be afraid to use humor or irony.
This whole blog is a big joke ;)

Now for something completly different....or?!

I just wanted to do something, that is why I'm writing another blog post, haha. Friday entertainment!!
So, here is a videoclip from one of the best songs right now...

I may be bad, but I'm perfectly good at it. Sex in the air, I don't care, I love the smell of it..

Postat av: Merel

Now karin remember what kind of things you are blogging about!

To quote our teacher: "all over the world people can read your blog" ;p

Love the song!

2011-02-11 @ 22:50:45

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