Okey, I am a game!

I am a game apparently.
Went to class today (oh yes I did ;D ) and when I entered the room Sven and Eelke said that they bet on me, if I would show up or not.
Both lost because they both thought I wouldn't.
But now I'm here to stay ;) (For a day or so)

No, seriously. This week didn't start too well in apperence in classes but I still have 2 more days to compensate.
But, today I am happy, because the sun is shining and it is spring in the air. (Just ask Sven)
About spring....

Is this it now? Is this nice weather here to stay the whole spring, or is it going to get colder??
It's only february and I am already tired of all the spring feelings, haha.
I can't have a "normal" conversation without spring feelings bubbles up and turn my words into something dirty.
(And OH NO I am not dirty)
And I am not the one who turn my own words into dirty stuff, it is other people who get me wrong ;) Hahah

"I don't have so much space in my mouth so not much fit, but I do have a lot of holes". Quoted from myself talking about TEETH, teeth people!! ;)
How is that dirty?? ;)

Wednesday today and lambrousco (or how the f*** you spell it) night!!
The only red wine I can stand, almost!

Well, maybe take some pictures tonight but I look like crap so I spare myself from full frontals. ;)



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