Can I help you?

Tired of painting now, muscle pain everywhere! Gaaha...
Finally I have a house that I can live in, and all my stuff are (almost) there.

Atm, I'm sitting in school waiting for my partner to show up so we can get some stuff done.
Figured out one sad thing yesterday....I DON'T HAVE ANY INTERNET IN MY ROOM, and I am fucking panicing (or how you spell it).

So, now I have to depend on the lovley and fast school internet, with people around me, and this stupid small screen.
Life is hard!

Or actually, life is not that hard.
Well, right now it is only study study study for me, but I just found out that I am off every fucking friday and tuesday!! :D
I still think it's an early april joke or something, because this is too good to be true.
If it is true, you gonna see more of me on thursday nights :D (Y) Woho....

Now, back to my books, have an exam today at 16.30 :(
Hey ho, here we go!
Found this lovely pic on the computer! (Y)

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