Every waked hour I'm chosing my confessions....

I would like to open this blog post with a lot of swearing, and using the worst words I know in the english language, but I wont.
Can be anyoing to some people.
But I must admit, the fastest word I can write on a keybord is f***.

Still sick, woho!!
No fever though, or can you call having below 37.0 degrees fever, then...I still have it!
What is up with my body?! Is it trying to kill me slowly?! Straaaange.....

My plan today was to move to my new room, but because of a lot of school work that has to be finished and exams that need to be studied for, I did not have time.
Entered the door at home 21.40 just arriving from school. Even got kicked out by some angry guy who wanted to go home and eat chicken....or meatballs!

OMG it's already 22.45, I need to sleep!
Have to be at school tomorrow at 8.30 and keep on studying!
Gaaah...I wish the exam period was over, and it didn't even start yet!

I will finish my food and then shower! (Yes I do shower from time to time) ;D

My art-skills


Puss puss till dig! ;)

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