
Yesterday was fun! Started with meeting up an old friend of mine in town for some coffee and good old memories, and after that I went to the " alcohol shop" to buy some cider...yum!!

And the evening continued with meeting up antoher friend of mine, which it was ages ago I saw. We talked a lot, and drunk all my cider and smoked a lot of ciggarettes! (Y)
The ongoing subject of the evening was of course sex, and at 4.00 in the morning we suddenly realized that she has to go up in two hours to get to work!! Hurray! :D

Today has been a very boring day!
Boring weather, boring day, boring everything.
I spent my day at the university studying for economics, but I don't feel much smarter in that subject, to be honest! Hahaha...
Ah well, I do have more than 7 chapters left to read, here we go back-pain and kramps in my arm. (Y)

Tonight, I don't know if I am going out or what Iam doing! The plans are not yet settled but we'll see.

Btw, I costs almost fucking 1 euro to send ONE text message to Holland , jeez.
I have to stop texting all the time, otherwise this week will ruin me! Hehehe ;)

Found a picture of me from my brothers wedding in September! For the rest, MY CAMERA IS STOLEN :(

Postat av: Fiida ;D

Åhhd e va heeelt underbart att ha dej hemma! ;D ÅÅ ska nog ut å ta en cigg baa för å återminnas ;D

2011-03-31 @ 00:44:08

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