It is time...

It is time for ; a new blog post!

It is also time for going to bed and read some more roadsigns and traffic rules ;)

Have to nail it this time! (Why is it so hard to nail an exam but easier to nail......wooden boards?) hehe

Move in to my new room yesterday, and it went suprisingly fast! Forgot the most important thing though in my old room; the COMPUTER CABLE!!
How am I suppose to live without a computer? :|

Got two nice phone calls today on my way from work.
One from Paris and one from Australia :D
Made my day!!!

This weekend it is time for Hökersweekend in Zelhem (farmer paradise) and finally throw some beer listening to Normaal! :) Can't wait!
Yes I know, all dutchies thing I am some kind of white trash farmer, but I am from the farmer areas so, what the hell?! ;)

Did some drooling this week over shoes and clothes on my favorite online shops!! Do want it all...

Gonna put up my absolute wanties later this week!

Time for some reading, bai bai!

Moving again!

Time to move again!
Today I scheduled the whole day for packing boxes and clean up my room for tomorrow, when I move!

But do I do so? NOOO, instead I write a blog post because I am so incapable to do what I have to do.

Probebly around 20.00-21.00 I will start panicking that nothing has been done yet, and I need to do this and that and this and that! :S

Thank God that I don't have so many stuff to take with me :P
Mostly clothes, and now the time has come to sort some things out!
Found a whole box of clothes in my room just now, which I once sorted out and wanted to get rid of, but back then I thought "njaa, let's do it some other time"

5 months later, it's an other time!

That's all I want to say for now, going to put on some Van Dik Hout and get to work! ;)

Bai bai

Previous when I have sorted out clothes! Tiring!!



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