I'm on fire!

Two blog posts on one day, I'm on fire!! :)

Just wanted to write something that poped up in my mind...or actually I got to hear about it last week!

I'm just saying, rumors, rumors, rumors...

According to the school rumors that are going around I have:

- Slept with half of the second year students....
- I kiss one new guy everytime I'm out, even when I am back in Sweden I kiss boys at the Cavern...
- I always walk around like a slut, with a pink corset and stay-ups...
- I've been hitting on all the guys I'm friends with...
- I've slept with boys that have girlfriends and made them cheat...


I'm just thinking one thing when I hear all this:

Think whatever you want, because I am the one who knows the best what I am doing or not!
Right?! ;)

Btw, scoll down on this page and you'll find my phone number, if you want to have some fun one night! ;)
Kiss kiss kiss....(K)

I know why...

I know exactly why it is so much stress around Christmas, and espacially when you're going away for christmas.


Yesterday I had a whole day free to do anything.
I woke up quite early too so no rush or stress. But did I do something? NO!
I sat on my fat ass the whole day, and didn't even clean up the dishes :S
Jeez Louize.

And tomorrow we're leaving for Sweden, and I still haven't done anything. And here I am, writing on my blog..Hhahaha

A lot of things has been going on since the last time I posted something on the blog. 
Too much dirty details aswell, so I won't say it here. Hehehe....;)

Instead I'll put up some pictures that has been taken for the past 2 weeks!


With a ticket for a runaway train...

I'm on my way to the Province of Gelderland for an interview! (No, they are not hiring me, just something for school).

And I wonder how much I will understand, because everything will be in DUTCH!! Hahaha, gosh..

But, you can call me a kind-a expert in ducth now, mohahah.(Damn this theory study)

At least I know all the traffic rules and where to drive this and that fast ;) Don't think it will help me, I just want to brag. ^^,

So, a short post and no pictures, could it be more boring? Well, have a nice day and TTYN!

Do me in the park Marc!!

Love it!

Damn it!

Jeez Louize, I slept too long.

Yesterday I was sooo tired after Sven's birthday party, so I decided not to go to the first class today and sleep loooong.
Which ended up with that I slept too long.
I fell asleep at 22.00 and woke up 12,5 hours later. And now I look like a zombie!! >.<

So, I apologize for my lack of things to write about, so I guess I'll only put up pictures from the part-a, and yeah..try to get awake!

Btw! I saw one thing looking at all these pictures and that is: I AM SO FUCKING PALE!! This weekend I'm going to the taning thingy (zonnen bank) to get some fake colour on my white little body. Gosh, I look like a ghost AND a zombie!!


Happy Birthday SVEN!!

Another birthday boy!

Monday again, and I have all the possibilities. Well, at least I like to think that way.

This weekend has been filled with sinterklaas celebration and candy eating :) Yum!

Marc had a party here for his friends on friday, so we went to town, and I took a lot of pictures.
Haha, one funny thing happend on friday night.
I was wearing my 14 cm high heels, and around 03.00 it felt like my feet would pop off, so me and Marc went home while 3 guys who were suppose so sleep here stayed a little bit longer.

We went to bed around 04.00 after eating and so on, and in the morning we woke up, but no one is there.
We said to the guys to ring our doorbell but we never woke up to a doorbell and it was no one sleeping on the sofa. Haha
Then Marc cheked his phone and had 9 MISSED CALLS. Mohahha
So we called one of the guys who told us that they had been ringing that doorbell like 50 times, and they threw snowballs at our windows and, obviosly, called us a lot of times.
At last the neighbors woke up and called the police so the guys had to crash at antoher friends place! Mohahahaha

The story of the year, I think.
We must have been in some kind of coma!!
Hahaha, poor guys ! ^^,

Today is a birthday party again, and I think I wont go too crazy. It is, after all, monday so..:P

Here are the pics from friday!


Can't wait!!

Just clicked home some things from Nelly.com, which finally has opened up their web shop in Holland :)

Fell totally in love with the brand "One Teaspoon".
Went in on their webpage and wanted EVRERYTHING, almost! ^^,
So nice shirts and dresses, I go crazy!! Haha..

I think it was in april or may that I ordered a pair of sky high heels from Nelly.com, and it just took about 3 days for the shoes to arrive :) Great!!
Although, I send them to sweden because there were no web shop in Holland yet, and it took almost three weeks for the shoes to arrive to my door :( Hmf!!
These shoes was it that I ordered last time ;)


Here is some inspiration from my new favourite brand, One Teaspoon!



No, I am not enjoying it!!

Gosh it's cold!
The winter really came suddenly and gave us all a small shock. We were not prepared, go back and to it all over again!!

Adn another thing...YES I think it is fucking cold, EVEN though I am swedish.
Just because we live in country full of darkness and winters cold as a polar bears ass, we DON'T enjoy it!!
Shocking?? Thought so...^^,

Okay, full of darkness, maybe came out a little bit more dramatic than I wished for, but whata hell!

Haven't been updating now for long. Has so much to do, and right now I'm just having a break in my frenetic studying.
And tomorrow is the day with the big D!!!

Jeez Louise!! >.<

Btw, I had a party friday, and I brought the camera, so here are some pictures :)
Thursday's party outfit!

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