Sweet dreams are made of this.

I have a headache from all money I've been thinking about!

Time for a break now, and get out of my room (For the first time today)
Get some food, cannot forget that today :P

Have so little inspiration for writing a blog right now, and nothing happened today that I can write about.
Party tonight, anyone?
I've been a good girl, dedicating yet another day to my study book, so I deserve some fun. (And some fun-fun) Hahahaha....;)

So, ladiesmen and gentlewomen out there, if you are up for something, just tell me and I'll be there! ;)

Not today.. ;)

Here we fucking go!

I don't want to talk about school.
I don't want to talk about that I am fucking freaking out and that this is my last chance to actually stay here.
Maybe next month I am heading back to Sweden again?! Who knows...?? (Is it the wine talking again?)

Finally got a new cable to the internet, so now it works perfectly. (I am awesome)
Had a boring day today, which I spent inside, reading economics.
But now I at least do know what money is and why we use it...>.<
Well, the last part of the evening was not boring at all, tbh! Wine, cigarettes, Steven Lynch together with awesome people, can it be better?! :)

Even though I am in a very depressed moode (or how you spell it) I am not going to dedicate this blog post to whine about my daily life!

I promise, after exams I will be all good again, but for now....pfffff!!
(Thinking about getting something to eat, I totally forgot about that today :S )

Good night y'all!

Puss puss
This is how we roll...

Can I help you?

Tired of painting now, muscle pain everywhere! Gaaha...
Finally I have a house that I can live in, and all my stuff are (almost) there.

Atm, I'm sitting in school waiting for my partner to show up so we can get some stuff done.
Figured out one sad thing yesterday....I DON'T HAVE ANY INTERNET IN MY ROOM, and I am fucking panicing (or how you spell it).

So, now I have to depend on the lovley and fast school internet, with people around me, and this stupid small screen.
Life is hard!

Or actually, life is not that hard.
Well, right now it is only study study study for me, but I just found out that I am off every fucking friday and tuesday!! :D
I still think it's an early april joke or something, because this is too good to be true.
If it is true, you gonna see more of me on thursday nights :D (Y) Woho....

Now, back to my books, have an exam today at 16.30 :(
Hey ho, here we go!
Found this lovely pic on the computer! (Y)

Every waked hour I'm chosing my confessions....

I would like to open this blog post with a lot of swearing, and using the worst words I know in the english language, but I wont.
Can be anyoing to some people.
But I must admit, the fastest word I can write on a keybord is f***.

Still sick, woho!!
No fever though, or can you call having below 37.0 degrees fever, then...I still have it!
What is up with my body?! Is it trying to kill me slowly?! Straaaange.....

My plan today was to move to my new room, but because of a lot of school work that has to be finished and exams that need to be studied for, I did not have time.
Entered the door at home 21.40 just arriving from school. Even got kicked out by some angry guy who wanted to go home and eat chicken....or meatballs!

OMG it's already 22.45, I need to sleep!
Have to be at school tomorrow at 8.30 and keep on studying!
Gaaah...I wish the exam period was over, and it didn't even start yet!

I will finish my food and then shower! (Yes I do shower from time to time) ;D

My art-skills


Puss puss till dig! ;)


Yesterday was fun! Started with meeting up an old friend of mine in town for some coffee and good old memories, and after that I went to the " alcohol shop" to buy some cider...yum!!

And the evening continued with meeting up antoher friend of mine, which it was ages ago I saw. We talked a lot, and drunk all my cider and smoked a lot of ciggarettes! (Y)
The ongoing subject of the evening was of course sex, and at 4.00 in the morning we suddenly realized that she has to go up in two hours to get to work!! Hurray! :D

Today has been a very boring day!
Boring weather, boring day, boring everything.
I spent my day at the university studying for economics, but I don't feel much smarter in that subject, to be honest! Hahaha...
Ah well, I do have more than 7 chapters left to read, here we go back-pain and kramps in my arm. (Y)

Tonight, I don't know if I am going out or what Iam doing! The plans are not yet settled but we'll see.

Btw, I costs almost fucking 1 euro to send ONE text message to Holland , jeez.
I have to stop texting all the time, otherwise this week will ruin me! Hehehe ;)

Found a picture of me from my brothers wedding in September! For the rest, MY CAMERA IS STOLEN :(

One week is enough!

You know what...sometimes I really love my home country.
The more I am away from it, the more I like my new home country (I guess I am adapting) and the less I miss Sweden!

But when it is days like this, I really love it.
Wondeful weather, skiing only an hour away, no traffic light for 70 kilometers, and no cars on the roads! ;)
Perfect day, with other words.

Tomorrow it is back to reality though. I am going to the uni. to study some accounting (woho)! Thumbs up!! Hahaha

For the rest I am going to relax, have a glass of wine and convince my parents to have pizza-night tonight!! Shall I bring some Merel? ;) hehehe

Now I have to spend some time with my fatty, who is starring at me next to my laptop! :)



It is hard to be this far away when it is so close in my heart!

Hejsan allihopa!

I have arrived (finally) in my hometown again!
It's freakin' cold, and a lot of snow but hey, what is Sweden without the cold and the darkness?! ;)

This morning I woke up and thought: What the hell happened??
But then I realized: Oh yeah, carnival!!

I had my camera with me, and I took some awesome pictures, and they were apparently so awesome that someone decided to bring them home!!
Yes, my camera is gone :( Fuuuuck...
Ah well, I just have to keep it up and go camera hunting again! Anyone got a great tip? And I do want a pink one!!

So...too much happened this weekend at carneval (carnival, whatever) so it will be too much for your eyes to read.
A lot of juicy details ofc hehe! ;)

Now I gotta go, skiing is coming up tomorrow and then I will just enjoy my holidays...:)

Soon, my friends...

It's only two days left and then HOLIDAY!!

For me holiday= STUDY! I have a lot of pressure on my shoulders, (just like last time) but now I am going to make it ;) Hehehe...

Well, first of all: long time no seen (or post).
I have a lot of crazy pictures to put up, but I will only put of a few because almost all of them are...yeah, crazy!
Wonderful day today, and spring is in the air. :)
This week has been one of the better ones this year.
I am happy and I don't have yellow (jell-o) hair anymore, which is a big plus.

About that: I took the hairdresser about three hours yesterday to "save my hair" :O
Well worth it, though.

I will stop talking now (or writing actually) and give you what you want ;)



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