No, I am not enjoying it!!

Gosh it's cold!
The winter really came suddenly and gave us all a small shock. We were not prepared, go back and to it all over again!!

Adn another thing...YES I think it is fucking cold, EVEN though I am swedish.
Just because we live in country full of darkness and winters cold as a polar bears ass, we DON'T enjoy it!!
Shocking?? Thought so...^^,

Okay, full of darkness, maybe came out a little bit more dramatic than I wished for, but whata hell!

Haven't been updating now for long. Has so much to do, and right now I'm just having a break in my frenetic studying.
And tomorrow is the day with the big D!!!

Jeez Louise!! >.<

Btw, I had a party friday, and I brought the camera, so here are some pictures :)
Thursday's party outfit!

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