God what a worthless day!

Sorry Merel ;)

Today I haven't done a bloody thing.
I woke up around one o'clock and since then I've been sitting in front of the computer reading about Paris Hiltons new cat, and that George Cloony has even more gray hair now than last year! (Suprise, suprise..)

Not even the news papers has something interesting to tell me.
Is the whole world standing FUCKING still???

Here is some pictures from yesterday at the Cavern, when we pre-celebrated Merels birthday!
The real party is on thursday :)



Postat av: Anonym

cant you just cut me out of that one picture where i have a shiny mustache :P

and the one where i am attacking christian (with my mouth) can also be deleted (A)

other then that nice pictures :P see you tomorrow xxxx

2010-11-03 @ 19:52:50
Postat av: Karin answers

No, they are the BEST pictures I posted. Can you imagine how the rest looks? ;P

2010-11-04 @ 17:53:17
URL: http://kurrin.blogg.se/

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