And there was holiday!

Just got back from school and gym, and I'm very tired.
Got up at 7 this morning, and forgot to eat breakfast (or I accedently brushed my teeth and after that I can't eat for a little while)
After school I went to the gym, and now I'm hungry like a wolf and tired like a pig.

Tonight we'll see how many hours of sleep I will get beacuse I'm going to sit in a car for 15 hours. Jippie!!

So, next week I will be in the cold north (no, not Groningen) and I will do some shopping of course, in my fashion-mekka! :)

And I will also try to be more up-to-date with my outfits...but being home the whole day, guess what I am wearing??
NOTHING! And naked pictures, I don't think that they are so suitable for this blog, or??

Get inspired by Alexa Chung, everything that woman is wearing is just GORGEOUS!!

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