Monki! I go bananas...

I have to admit that Sweden has the best shopping! Well, I haven't been to New York or London (yet!) but from my experience Sweden has the absolute shopping.
Yeah sure, we have H&M as well as the rest of the world, but we also have Gina Tricot, Bik Bok, Lindex and Monki which I miss a lot when Im out shopping here in Arnhem.

And I couldn't be happier when I read in cosmo that Monki has opened it's first store in Amsterdam! Yey!!
They have a lot of nice shirts, tops and knitwear for good prices. :) I just love it. So in a near future I have to pay a visit to the wonderful captial city of the Netherlands ;D

Here are some pieces which you can find at Monki!


I don't think that anything of what I shown is above 60 euros :)

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