
Yesterday night was so wild and crazy!
It even started wild and crazy, at the shotjes bar, where seven people gave rounds so if you weren't drunk when you left that place you'll never be drunk!

And finally I am able to take shots again without wanting to throw them up!

After the shotjes bar, we went to Plaza, which was empty so we rocked the place.
Jump around, jump around, jump around...
The best thing with plaza is their prices I think! (Or maybe I made a mistake)
Cheap like hell, and nice shots! (Y) Hehe...could have been wilder music though, but whatevs.

The night also ended fucking wild and crazy too.
Me, Sanne and Merel sitting in front of her door and I thought I was whispering but I was actually screaming when I was talking, very wierd.
A little bit later a woman came out and told us to shut the fuck up! "Who's that tropical bird?" :D
Awesome night! :)

Now it is time for me to buy myself some food at the supermarket for the first time in one and a half week.
Cheers to that!

Hopefully I will get access to the pictures that was taken yesterday, and then I'll give you something to enjoy.
But for now, pictures from monday night!


That was that!

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