Let the motherfucker burn...

Well yeah! It's been a while since I posted a new post here!
And as usual, I have a lot of dirty details...;)

Haha. Along with my passiveness with writing blog posts, my camera has been passive with taking pictures as well, which is a pity!

Quick sum of the week:

Tuesday - Friday: BUSINESS MANAGEMENT GAME, which started off like ****! Got bankrupt in the first try hahaha
It was because of my very high skills in accounting I heard!! >.< Ah well...In the end we passed and we were happy for that!!

Friday: Aim: Getting so wasted that being drunk would get a new face. Exams were over, management game was over and we meet up with the exchange students as well.
Friday night: Party in Nijmegen! Sooo cold outside!! Gaahh....But that's what you get when you dress "the swedish style" ;) Hahaha

Now, monday, new week and tomorrow the day with the big D!!

See ya!!

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