It is hard to be this far away when it is so close in my heart!

Hejsan allihopa!

I have arrived (finally) in my hometown again!
It's freakin' cold, and a lot of snow but hey, what is Sweden without the cold and the darkness?! ;)

This morning I woke up and thought: What the hell happened??
But then I realized: Oh yeah, carnival!!

I had my camera with me, and I took some awesome pictures, and they were apparently so awesome that someone decided to bring them home!!
Yes, my camera is gone :( Fuuuuck...
Ah well, I just have to keep it up and go camera hunting again! Anyone got a great tip? And I do want a pink one!!

So...too much happened this weekend at carneval (carnival, whatever) so it will be too much for your eyes to read.
A lot of juicy details ofc hehe! ;)

Now I gotta go, skiing is coming up tomorrow and then I will just enjoy my holidays...:)

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